We help Shared Ownership providers look after their portfolio and their customers

How do we work with Shared Ownership providers?

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We can optimise your customers’ selling experience at no cost to your organisation

We partner with Housing Providers to offer their Shared Ownership residents our expert resales service, helping to ensure homes are sold quickly and compliantly and that customer experience is optimised at every step of the way.

How can we support Housing Providers during the ‘nomination period’ to benefit you and your residents?

  • By using Plumlife Move, housing organisations can offer their shared owners a trustworthy, top-tier service – built on best practice and decades of experience, at no cost to the business.

  • Sellers receive an expert, friendly Shared Ownership service and can be easily connected to other specialist partners, whether that’s for help with finding mortgage advice, solicitors or something else.

  • As a profit-for-purpose business, any profit we make goes back into helping local communities, a model which aligns with many housing providers’ CSR strategies and something our customers can feel good about.

  • Our dedicated team of specialists will be on-hand to provide advice to providers and shared owners alike across a range of leasehold and procedural queries.

What is the resale ‘nomination period’ and how does it work?

When a Shared Ownership homeowner gives notice to their housing provider that they wish to sell their home, there’s usually a ‘nomination period’ outlined in the lease giving the provider a defined period of time – typically 4 or 8 weeks – to find a new Shared Ownership buyer. Providers can allow residents to find their own buyer but this can often mean that customers go on to deal with estate agents that simply don’t understand Shared Ownership. This can result in Shared Ownership customers – sellers and buyers alike – having a negative experience, as well as drawn out transaction times and the risk of sales not complying with Homes England’s requirements.

In addition, this approach can result in homes being sold on the open market, meaning Provider’s Shared Ownership stock diminishes with less homes being kept in the Shared Ownership eco-system for those who need affordable home ownership most.

What does the Plumlife Move service look like for Shared Ownership providers?

Housing organisations that choose to have Plumlife Move as their Shared Ownership resales referral partner, will have a single point of contact that can be on hand to update the company on the status of their customer’s sales – this can include regular meetings in person and online, as well as reporting.

We will provide a clear process for referrals, along with marketing assets to ensure your customers start their shared ownership resales journey in the best possible way, with all the information they need.

Get in touch today to find out more.


Plumlife Move Office