Service Charges – Leaseholders

Customers are responsible for paying service charges, as well as other fees to Plumlife Homes. You can use our online Portal to check your account, view your statement and see what charges are associated with your property.

What is a service charge?

Your home includes a service charge for the cost of services within shared, communal areas. Service charges cover services such as window cleaning, communal gardening, maintenance of lifts and other shared services.

How is my service charge increase set?

We review your service charges in line with our contracts and service costs and are based on the actual amount we expect services to cost each year. So, we charge you less when prices go down, but you will see a higher charge when they increase.

What do I do if I can’t afford the increase?

If you are struggling to pay your charges, contact our friendly team on 0161 447 5050 or email We know that rising costs will be a significant challenge for many of our customers and we will be able to provide some helpful advice.

I am on Universal Credit; will I have to re-apply and will this mean weeks of delays in my charges being paid and accumulating arrears?

You will not have to complete a brand-new claim with the Department for Work and Pensions. Once we write to let you know of the new Universal Credit will prompt you in your journal after 1 April 2024 so that you can advise them of your new service charge. This is the only time you need to respond about the new charge.

What if I claim Housing Benefit?

Get in touch with your local council to advise them of your new charges from 1 April 2024.

Do I have to adjust my Direct Debit mandate with my bank?

Do not worry, your Direct Debit will be adjusted automatically. After we write to you at the end of February notifying you of your  service charge increase, we will adjust your Direct Debit and you will receive information from Allpay to confirm your new monthly payments. If you have a repayment plan for any arrears, we will add the additional amount onto your monthly Direct Debit total. We will amend your new payments in line with the new charge. If your account has an outstanding balance of £25 or less, we will collect this in your first Direct Debit payment in April.

Do I have to adjust my Standing Order?

If you pay by Standing Order, contact your bank to change the amount to your new charge starting from 1 April 2024.

What if I’m in arrears?

We are here to help. Contact your Income Officer if you have any arrears on your account and want to discuss increasing your payments or Direct Debit to cover this debt.

When will my increase take effect?

You will receive information about your service charge increase in February 2024. The new charges will then apply from the beginning of April 2024.