The 6 top tips to consider before reselling your Shared Ownership home


Article by: Plumlife



SO, you’re ready to sell your Shared Ownership home?

As a home owner you can sell your Shared Ownership property at any time that suits you! However, there are a few bits and pieces you should consider before you get started. To help you on your way, we’ve put together the 6 top tips that you should explore being entering the world of Shared Ownership resales.


Consider the overall cost of selling

The cost of selling your Shared Ownership home will depend on a host of factors largely down to the agreement you have with your housing provider. There will be a cost associated with advertising and selling your home and getting a RICs valuation, while you will also need to think about how much the personal costs will total up to, such as hiring a removal van and buying storage boxes. With Shared Ownership homes it’s also important to know you’re in positive equity before you sell, you will likely want the value of your share to have increased from the time you purchased it.


Know everything about your lease

Every Shared Ownership housing provider will have its own rules around Shared Ownership resales, so you will need to know everything about your lease before you start the process. The lease should contain information on how your home is valued, who pays for what in the selling process and it should also inform you of any restrictions. The lease will often impact the overall cost of selling your home.


Make sure your home looks sellable

If you want to sell your home then you’re going to want the process to be done as quick and possible, right? To ensure that someone wants to buy your home, you’re going to need to declutter and spruce up! Make sure your home is clean, and that everything is where it’s supposed to be. Having curtains, blinds and furniture in place makes a big difference!

If there’s any walls that are a bit dirty or scuffed, make sure you’ve repainted them to offer a fresh feel and ensure people feel that the home was well looked after.

Don’t worry about totally stripping your home of personality though. Most buyers have imagination and will want to see how a home is currently being lived in.


Is everything repaired?

Before starting the Shared Ownership resale process, you will be best placed to fix all the nagging issues inside the house, so they don’t devalue your home when it is valued. Look for things like broken tiles, doors that need tuning up and any cracks in the walls or floors. As most Shared Owners are responsible for repairs – buyers will want reassurance they’re moving into somewhere that’s not going to cause them any hassle.


Know where you want to go next

What’s your next step? Are you staying in the same area but buying a house outright? Are you going to move to a totally new location?

Knowing all of this before selling will help ensure that you’re able to make the right decisions and search for a new home, at the same time that yours is being sold.


Pick the right team to sell your home

Your housing provider may want to take on the role of a reseller, and if so they have a ‘nomination period’ which have the opportunity to sell your property within. This period is often 8 or 12 weeks.

If they don’t sell your home within that time or if they don’t have the infrastructure to resell your Shared Ownership home, then you will be able to sell your home with another agent. In this circumstance, it is best to speak to a Shared Ownership resales expert who understands all of the nuances.

We’re proud to have a Shared Ownership resale estate agency that are helping lots of people through this exact process. Are you looking to resell, why not speak to our Plumlife Move team?


Article by: Plumlife

