A high-street customer hub in our digital era: the benefits & challenges


Plumlife Move Shared Ownership Resale Office
Article by: Plumlife



This blog was written by Phil Robinson, Plumlife Move’s Sales Manager!


If you follow Plumlife’s news then hopefully you’ve already seen that last year we launched Plumlife Move, our Shared Ownership resale agency (read more here!). The launch came with the introduction of our high-street customer hub, which has proved to be a great place to connect with Shared Owners who don’t feel comfortable doing everything online. We may live in a digital world but it’s easy to understand that when it comes to something as big as reselling a Shared Ownership home, some people want to meet face-to-face.

However, since our launch lots of people have been asking me the question, “Why have you opened up a high-street hub when everything is online nowadays?” Well, I’m writing this blog today to explore that in a bit more detail.

In 2023, more and more Housing Providers are using online hubs to engage with their customers, which is undeniably a great way to harness the potential of digital and to nurture relationships in an online setting.

However, as we launched Plumlife Move and dealt with individuals who were reselling their Shared Ownership homes, we found more and more people wanted to meet in a physical setting. And while we do have a travelling team who go across the North West and Lancaster for customer appointments, a physical hub has allowed the Plumlife Move team to always be there for people who want to drop-in to a place that acts as a one-stop-shop for all their Shared Ownership resale needs.

We still of course utilise digital communication for a big chunk of our customers, but our joint approach to the physical and digital experience has proved a hit with our customers, and as an added bonus – being able to promote Shared Ownership within the high-street of a popular Manchester borough, has allowed us to bring word of this great scheme to many others.

A challenge with this space has been ensuring we’re an always-open office when our team are allowed flexible and remote working, but we’ve got the balance just right. We also get many passers-by popping in who don’t always know what Shared Ownership is, but all the questions we’ve received have given us opportunity to educate about this way of buying homes.

We’ve always said that Plumlife Move will help the need for Shared Ownership resellers to have more choice and our physical hub has allowed us to do this in more than one way.

As Plumlife Move don’t just resell Shared Ownership properties on behalf of Plumlife Homes’ customers, but also for the customers of other housing providers, we’re excited to ensure our hub gives us the chance to support other organisations as well.

We’re looking forward to ensuring the space remains a bustling customer centric hub that puts customers first and next time someone asks me why we have it, I may just link them to this blog!

Thanks for reading,

Phil Robinson – Plumlife Move Sales Agency Manager


P.S If you’ve got this far through my blog, why not click here to head over to the Plumlife Move website and see what we’re up to and what properties we’re currently working with.

Article by: Plumlife

