Live the Plumlife blog series – Week Two – Garden Inspiration


Article by: Plumlife



For the second week of our Live the Plumlife blog series, We’ve compiled a list of handy tips to consider for your garden to help you create a garden that is practical and that looks great throughout the year.

You can find garden inspiration anywhere, whether that be at a friend or family member’s house, on social media, or online. Websites such as Good House Keeping and Ideal Home provide garden design ideas and guides, so you can make the most out of your garden. You can even mock up your own garden mood board to help you plan and design of the look and feel of your garden.

Get to know your garden

Is your garden south facing or north facing? Does the sun set or rise over your garden? Knowing where the sun shines on the ground will help you decide what to grow where and the best way to layout your garden.

Garden furniture

We love spending time outdoors, especially when the outdoors are just as comfortable and practical as our indoor space, with stylish garden furniture to relax on. We’ve created a list of our current three favourite furniture styles:

Get your grow on

Nature is relaxing and plants have been scientifically proven to boost our mood, a way to bring nature inside our homes. Grow your seasoning cupboard from your garden. A great way to start would be to get more life out of shop bought herbs, remove them from their pot and plant them in soil.  Try mint, parsley or basil. These all smell great and you can add to almost anything. Make sure your plant is in a place where it will get the sunlight it needs to live and grow and remember to not over water.

If you have no outdoor space and live in a flat, you can still grow. All you need is a sunny spot, maybe you have a windowsill or balcony, as long as you have some sunlight, you can grow.

Be kind to wildlife

Our gardens can be important havens for many insects, birds and other animals. Having a thought out garden allows us to get up close to nature on a daily basis. Having flowers, shrubs and bird boxes and feeders all support and attract wildlife.

Control weeds

We know weeding is some times a daunting task, don’t be put off if weeds take over from time to time. There are plenty of ways you can take back control and remove them from your garden. You can buy weed killer, simple and effective method which will save you time and effort. Alternatively, you can opt for the more physical approach, by working the soil with a hoe to dislodge the weed and remove by hand ensuring the root is removed.

Next time for our live the Plumlife blog series, we’ll be providing you with tips and advice on how to successfully declutter and organise your home.

Article by: Plumlife

