Live the Plumlife blog series – Week Three – Declutter Your Home


Declutter your home
Article by: Damian Beaumont



For the third week of our Live the Plumlife blog series, we have provided you with a guide to decluttering your home and how to keep it organised.

Clutter in your home can be overwhelming, as our space gets smaller and our lives become busier, clutter can creep in and take over without you noticing.

Whatever the clutter is, it can weigh you down, effecting how you live and feel about your home. Whether it is excess clothing, objects you have collected over time or children toys, the good news is there are ways to overcome this challenge and clear your space, and mind.

If you’re feeling cramped in your own space, and have overflowing cupboards and are tripping over children’s toys, it’s time for a good clear out.

Start small

The best way to start decluttering is to ease into it, chipping away at smaller jobs. First, label up some boxes into categories, items you want to keep, donate and throw away. Choose one room to start with; we suggest starting with a smaller room such as a bathroom rather than diving into the most cluttered spaces such as a kitchen or bedroom. This way you will declutter rooms at a faster rate which will help you feel more encouraged to tackle the harder rooms.

Give yourself time

You may want to allocate a time limit to sort through your chosen room. Start with a timer for 60 minutes and see how much you get done in that time. After the 60 minutes, give yourself a well earned coffee break. Depending on your progress, set another timer for 30 minutes. You may want to increase the time for the more cluttered rooms.

Decluttering takes time, to do it effectively you must go through each item, one by one. Consider the last time you used the item and whether you really need it.

Tips to make decluttering easier:

Keep your home organised

Have a regular clear out, this will save you from becoming overwhelmed by clutter again in future. For items you have already found a home for and need to keep, put them back in the designated spot as and when you use them.

Get into the habit of doing one household job a day; this can give you extra time on a weekend to do the things you enjoy.

Next week for our Live the Plumlife blog series, we’ll be discussing living room furniture trends.

Article by: Damian Beaumont

